Fox Farm Feeding Schedule Autoflower

Dec 12, 2021 Schedule

Fox Farm Feeding Schedule Autoflower


As a cannabis grower, the importance of a good feeding schedule cannot be overemphasized. The Fox Farm feeding schedule for autoflower is one of the most popular feeding schedules out there. In this article, we will explore everything you need to know about the Fox Farm feeding schedule for autoflower.

Personal Experience

I have been growing cannabis for a few years now, and one of the things that have helped me achieve success is the Fox Farm feeding schedule for autoflower. When I first started using the schedule, I was skeptical, but after seeing the results, I was sold.

What is the Fox Farm Feeding Schedule for Autoflower?

The Fox Farm feeding schedule for autoflower is a nutrient schedule that provides a comprehensive guide on when and how to feed your plants. It includes a list of nutrients to use at different stages of your plant’s growth cycle.

List of Events or Competition of Fox Farm Feeding Schedule Autoflower

The Fox Farm feeding schedule for autoflower is used by many cannabis growers worldwide. While there are no competitions or events specifically for this feeding schedule, it has gained a reputation as one of the best out there.

Detail Schedule Guide for Fox Farm Feeding Schedule Autoflower

The Fox Farm feeding schedule for autoflower is a 12-week feeding schedule that is divided into three stages – early growth, mid-growth, and late growth. Here is a breakdown of the schedule:

Early Growth

During the early growth stage, your plant is developing roots and leaves. The Fox Farm feeding schedule recommends using its Big Bloom liquid fertilizer at this stage. It is a gentle, organic fertilizer that is perfect for young plants.


The mid-growth stage is when your plant is developing its buds. The Fox Farm feeding schedule recommends using its Tiger Bloom liquid fertilizer at this stage. It is high in phosphorus and potassium, which are essential for bud development.

Late Growth

The late growth stage is when your plant is finishing up its bud development. The Fox Farm feeding schedule recommends using its Cha Ching liquid fertilizer at this stage. It is a high-phosphorus fertilizer that will help your plant produce big, dense buds.

Schedule Table for Fox Farm Feeding Schedule Autoflower

Here is a table that summarizes the Fox Farm feeding schedule for autoflower: | Week | Early Growth | Mid-Growth | Late Growth | |——|————–|————|————-| | 1 | Big Bloom | | | | 2 | Big Bloom | | | | 3 | Big Bloom | Tiger Bloom| | | 4 | | Tiger Bloom| | | 5 | | Tiger Bloom| | | 6 | | Tiger Bloom| Cha Ching | | 7 | | | Cha Ching | | 8 | | | Cha Ching | | 9 | | | Cha Ching | | 10 | | | Cha Ching | | 11 | | | Cha Ching | | 12 | | | Cha Ching |

Question and Answer

Q: Can I use the Fox Farm feeding schedule for autoflower on other plants?
A: Yes, you can use the Fox Farm feeding schedule on other plants. However, keep in mind that it is specifically designed for autoflower cannabis plants. Q: Do I need to follow the schedule exactly?
A: While it is recommended that you follow the schedule as closely as possible, you can make adjustments based on your plant’s needs. Q: Can I use other nutrients with the Fox Farm feeding schedule?
A: Yes, you can use other nutrients with the Fox Farm feeding schedule. However, be sure to read the label to ensure that they are compatible.


Q: Is the Fox Farm feeding schedule for autoflower organic?
A: Yes, the Fox Farm feeding schedule for autoflower is organic. Q: Can I use the Fox Farm feeding schedule for autoflower in hydroponics?
A: Yes, you can use the Fox Farm feeding schedule for autoflower in hydroponics. Q: Can I use the Fox Farm feeding schedule for autoflower on soilless mediums?
A: Yes, you can use the Fox Farm feeding schedule for autoflower on soilless mediums.

Fox Farm hydroponic feed schedule Autoflower Portal
Fox Farm hydroponic feed schedule Autoflower Portal from