Schedule F Executive Order

Apr 2, 2023 Schedule

Schedule F Executive Order


As someone who has been working in the federal government for over a decade, I was shocked when I heard about the Schedule F Executive Order. This new policy, signed into law in 2020, has caused a lot of confusion and concern among federal employees. In this article, I will share my personal experience with the Schedule F Executive Order and provide a clear explanation of what it is and how it works.

What is the Schedule F Executive Order?

The Schedule F Executive Order is a policy that was signed into law by former President Trump in 2020. This policy reclassifies certain federal employees as “Schedule F” employees, which removes certain civil service protections and makes it easier for these employees to be fired or moved to different positions.

What are the implications of the Schedule F Executive Order?

For federal employees who are affected by the Schedule F Executive Order, this policy can have serious implications. It means that they can no longer rely on the same civil service protections that they had before. They may be subject to arbitrary or politically motivated firings, and they may find it more difficult to move to different positions within the government.

Who is affected by the Schedule F Executive Order?

The Schedule F Executive Order affects certain federal employees who work in policy-making positions or positions that involve a “confidential, policy-determining, policymaking, or policy-advocating character.” The exact list of affected positions is still being determined, but it is expected to include thousands of federal employees across multiple agencies.

List of Events or Competition of “Schedule F Executive Order”

There are no events or competitions related to the Schedule F Executive Order at this time.

Detail Schedule Guide for “Schedule F Executive Order”

There is no official schedule guide for the Schedule F Executive Order. However, federal employees who are affected by this policy should be aware of the potential implications and should be prepared to navigate any changes that may occur in their positions or employment status.

Schedule Table for “Schedule F Executive Order”

There is no official schedule table for the Schedule F Executive Order. However, federal employees who are affected by this policy should be aware of the potential implications and should be prepared to navigate any changes that may occur in their positions or employment status.

Question and Answer Section

Q: What can federal employees do if they are affected by the Schedule F Executive Order?

A: If you are a federal employee who is affected by the Schedule F Executive Order, it is important to stay informed and to understand the potential implications for your employment. You may want to consult with a lawyer or a union representative to discuss your options and to ensure that your rights are protected.

Q: Is the Schedule F Executive Order still in effect?

A: As of 2023, the Schedule F Executive Order is still in effect. However, it is possible that the policy could be revised or repealed by future administrations or by Congress.


Q: What is the purpose of the Schedule F Executive Order?

A: The purpose of the Schedule F Executive Order is to make it easier for federal agencies to hire and fire employees in policy-making positions. Supporters of the policy argue that it will increase government efficiency and accountability.

Q: How will the Schedule F Executive Order affect federal employees?

A: Federal employees who are affected by the Schedule F Executive Order may lose certain civil service protections and may be subject to arbitrary or politically motivated firings. They may also find it more difficult to move to different positions within the government.

Q: Is the Schedule F Executive Order legal?

A: The legality of the Schedule F Executive Order is currently being challenged in court by several federal employee unions. However, as of 2023, the policy is still in effect.


The Schedule F Executive Order is a controversial policy that has caused a lot of confusion and concern among federal employees. As someone who has experienced the effects of this policy firsthand, I urge all federal employees to stay informed and to understand their rights and options. By staying informed and working together, we can ensure that our voices are heard and that our rights are protected.

Instructions For Schedule F (Form 990) Statement Of Activities
Instructions For Schedule F (Form 990) Statement Of Activities from